Thursday, September 6, 2012

My very first Blog!

Well, my idea is to talk about what I do now that I'm retired and have some free time! Maybe, I can share some things and learn about myself along the way.
Right now, I'm learning to piece and quilt. Some projects have been presented to family and friends. They seem to be well received and I always say "these are practice projects, don't look really close"!
I learned to sew a long time ago, 8th grade home ec. Had the same teacher all the way through high school. Barbara Campbell. They even invented Home Ec. 5 for us so that as seniors we had 4 & 5. It was for girls that had taken the courses all through school. I even won the "Betty Crocker Homemaker of The Year" award. Does anyone else remember taking that test? They don't have it anymore.
So, now I have started collecting vintage sewing mamchines, really! There are a lot of us that do, which I've found out over the last couple of years.
I use them, of course, but I really love finding them, running or not, then fixing them up. What a thrill to get an old dusty machine that seems frozen and getting it to hum!! I feel like the guy in the garage working on an old car. So rewarding. Greasy, oily, smelly fun!
I'll be posting pictures and descriptions as we go along.
Check back!
OK, more later.

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